Tuesday, May 3, 2011

FMQ Day 8 & 9

Forgot to post last night ...so doing 2 days again. 
Day 8:When I put the new fabric on my frame and started trying to make hearts , I kept having problems in one area with "Drag"...like the machine did not want to move. I took a peek and saw no problem. Then quilted a few more hearts...looked again...then I saw that I had left my 5 inch square pincushion on the machine's support...no wonder it could not move freely.  Most of the hearts look consistent.

I also tried feathers again...I think I will be practicing them for years!!

Day 9: Practiced stars again...I still need practice here.

I guess I could call them very free form stars!!!

I decided to practice a star pantogragh also...it is difficult to stay in a straight line even with the laser light.

1 comment:

  1. Your stars look good to me! I have never used a long arm but I can only imagine the amount of practice it must take to get comfortable with different designs.


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